Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Purple And White Spathoglottis

Have you ever dreamed of an easy care orchid? If so the Spathoglottis genus is your dream come true. Commonly known as ground orchids, these terrestrial orchids grow in general garden soil and only require a little tender loving care to thrive. It is one of the most hardy orchids available.

The Spathoglottis genus contains different species and inter-specific hybrids in shades of mostly purple, pink, yellow and white. They generally have crowded pseudobulbs and pleated palm-like foliage. The showy  flowers arise on long spikes and open consecutively thus plants can be in bloom for months on end. Individual flowers don't last long but the flower spikes do!    

This particular cultivar is compact and neat. The leaves are less than a foot long with medium-small flowers. The flower spikes are likewise shortish, making overall a well balanced plant, which looks great in containers. This cultivar produces many individual flower spikes so it is always full of blooms. The flower petals look like they have been airbrushed. 

Plant in well drained soil, water and fertilize moderately. They must receive at the least very bright light. I have seen some cultivars grown in full sun but I grow them in morning sun and afternoon shade. If growing in containers use standard or larger type pots as their root system is quite vigorous. Pseudobulbs can be divided. From one initial clump you can end up with quite a few plants.   


  1. Gorgeous, lovely photos!
    Wishing you a very happy weekend!
    Today’s Flowers
    An English Girl Rambles

  2. These ground orchids are delightful. It suits my garden if they do not need pampering.I try to get my hands on some. Really lovely plant.

  3. Thanks very much Denise. Wishing a great weekend as well. Happy gardening!

    Titania, yes there are easy. I have some other cultivars that I would post about in the future. You should definitely get some.

  4. You have a wonderful blog. Your spathoglottis is so lovely. I'm much tempted to plant them after seeing yours. When I was a child, my father planted lots of them in continers.

  5. I love your blog Stiletto. I grow them in containers as well. Yesterday I actually picked up a new cultivar so I have six varieties now.

  6. Wow. Such a beautiful orchid. And easy to care on top of that!!

  7. Looks like you have prettier colours of ground orchids than we do here. Love this one as well!

  8. This hybrid is soo beautiful.
    I have not come across this type in my place.
    And this one have so many spikes and all of them are so full of blooms.
    Truly this is a winner!

  9. Hi, I have quite a few of these ground orchids in my garden. What I have found is that although the plants are luscious and very healthy they are not blooming as beautiful as yours. The blooms are very scarce, although in my neighbouhood I see them with lots of bloom. They get morning sun and evening shade. Would appreciate your advise.

    Sandra, Florida
