Thursday, October 31, 2013

Orange Amaryllis

I am very fond of the amaryllis as it was one of the first plants I grew when I started gardening as a tween. I had rescued some peach coloured amaryllis type bulbs from a neighbour who dumped them. Although not as spectacular as the Dutch type hybrids available today, they did well. Quite hardy, they multiplied and bloomed well. Unfortunately, due to several projects around the house over the years, the garden bed where they grew was destroyed. It's possible that a bulb or two may have survived and are dormant for now.

The amaryllises around here are mostly single reds and a couple other passalong cultivars of varying colours. Grouped together in gardens beds in full sun, established plants seem to bloom on cue at certain times of the year. Thus "forcing" these bulbs to produce blooms is rarely practiced here.
Amaryllis plants are occasionally available for sale and imported bulbs even less so. Two years ago I purchased some bulbs when they became available. I got several varieties but all were not true to name. I didn't keep proper labels so each bloom is a mystery unless it is a particularly recognizable cultivar. Two years after their initial blooms, one bulb decided to grace me with a bloom. I guess I could get regular blooms if I "force" the bulbs, but I'll leave them as is and just enjoy their randomness.

This amaryllis bloomed in all its orange glory fittingly for Halloween. 


  1. Nice flower...
    I'm not very good in english, I hope u can I understand me. Do you have this amaryllis seeds for sale..? I would like to buy it. Thanks... :-)

  2. Ayu, thanks for the visit. Sorry, I do not have amaryllis seeds for sale. You could probably check Ebay.

  3. Truly its so worth it when you rescued those bulbs and they are blooming so beautifully.

  4. Thank you so much for the many comments and thoughts you share in my blog.

    Appreciate it very much.

  5. Wow! Love it :-)

    I am waiting to see if my red one will bloom for me this time...
