Monday, December 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2014

These are some of the blooms at this moment in December.

Adenium Desert Rose 

Pink Spathoglottis Ground Orchid

 Purple and White Spathoglottis Ground Orchid

Adenium Desert Rose 

Purplish Hard-Cane Dendrobium Orchid

Purple Hard-Cane Dendrobium Orchid

Dendrobium 'Sripho Stripe' Orchid

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Poinsettia 2014

I've been mostly absent from this blog for the past few months. I need to make some time to blog. The Holiday season is upon us and I just can't resist the seasonal poinsettias. Red is most common, but other colours, including white and pink, are also available. I purchased this small red one recently and it's at my office for now.

Care of poinsettias courtesy of Colorado State University Extension here.